Tuesday, April 15, 2008

blue horizon...

It's mailman weather today, or so he just told me -- not too hot, not too cold.

Spring is in full bloom and the capital city is looking lovely this Tuesday. I'm feeling thankful for life's small things -- like having flowerboxes to water, and blooming trees, and friendly neighborhood mailmen -- ordinary things that have been rarities most of my life...

I'm also feeling thankful for large things, like my taxes being finished and the fact that I had money to pay them... And thankful for priceless things, like the week I just got to spend in the Caribbean with some of my favorite people, surrounded by every shade of blue...

Being still with the sea and sky and stars speaks to me as nothing else can... It reminds me that no matter how obscured the future may seem by the present, the horizon is always there.

:: "Now, bring me that horizon." – Captain Jack Sparrow

1 comment:

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