Meet the two newest men in my life...
The first came as a Christmas gift from my mother... a foot-high wooden artist's figure. "It was the closest I could come to getting you a husband," she said. Apparently the place she bought it thought I would be offended by her thoughtfulness -- on the contrary, not only am I immune to her marriage comments, but I also figure that the day she stops making them is the day she really gives up on me...
I called him Michelangelo, in honor of the fascinating subject of the best book I've read since I've been home (The Agony and the Ecstasy), and as a reminder of my commitment to pursuing my creative destiny and unearthing my dormant figure drawing skills...
Then on Boxing Day (a Tuesday :) my new powerbook was born. His name is Pierre (I believe in naming inanimate objects that are important to me), to remind me that I'm going to keep learning French, and he is an investment in my future and my freedom. With Pierre by my side, I'll be able to work from anywhere, leaving geographical decisions to be determined by other more important criteria.
My dearly beloved ibook iSabel, who has been my faithful companion on all my journeys for the past five years, will soon be travelling to her new retirement home where she will be just as dearly loved but will hopefully get more rest.
One for each side of the brain... I'd say together they make a very balanced companion. Never fear -- there is still plenty of room in my life for a real man -- these two are just helping to keep me entertained (and employed) until he gets here. :)
PS: Belle, Angelica and mini-Gaston make up the rest of my digital family (iPod, camera and external hard drive, respectively)
:: "Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish." – Michelangelo Buonarrati