Tuesday, January 09, 2007

minus 3 degrees...

(that would be -18° celcius...)

Yesterday was a good day for freelancing... one of the perks being I can work in my bathrobe without leaving the house. :) Speaking of bathrobes, I have to say a publicly huge thank you to my friend Melinda for having the foresight to give me the world's most luxurious bathrobe (personally endorsed by me and Oprah) as a homecoming gift. It's like wearing a full-body hug...

There are also certain perks to being a girl in my family... I have to admit to feeling a tiny bit guilty in the mornings, listening to the sound of my dad snowblowing the driveway while I'm still under the covers, or sitting at my computer in the afore-mentioned bathrobe with a steaming cup of coffee while my brother trudges out to warm up his car for a half hour before driving to his outdoor construction job.

I did leave the house twice yesterday, actually... once for snowblower lessons, (yes, in -3 degrees), so I'm at least prepared if all the men in our family are somehow simultaneously incapacitated. The other outing was to see Charlotte's Web with my niece and nephews, which I loved for bringing a warmly loved story of my childhood to life and was worth braving the frozen air for.

I seriously don't know how my brothers can pound nails in below-freezing temperatures, or how they can be at all productive digging their projects out from under snowdrifts every other day. My dad says it'll give them good stories to tell their grandchildren... This is my dad who took off yesterday (solo) in his single-engine airplane (in the same -3 degree temps) for a 3-hour flight over water and mountains with about as many hours of daylight to do it in...

Somebody asked me not long ago what I'm looking for in a man... I guess being able to run a snowblower, pound nails in winter and fly across wilderness would be a starting point... Or I might settle for two out of the three.

You think I'm kidding...

:: "A healthy man, indeed, is the complement of the seasons, and in winter, summer is in his heart." – Henry David Thoreau

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